Mahan, Alfred T.

The influence of sea power upon history (1660-1783) - New York Dover 1987 - 557 p. ilus.

(Curso CN Zaragoza) (NCC 2000) (Curso CN Urrutia) (NCC 2011)

Introductory.- 1. Discussion of the elements of Sea Power.- 2. State of Europe in 1660.- Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667).- Sea battles of Lowestoft and of the Four Days.- 3. War of England and France in alliance against the United Provinces (1672-1674).- Finally, of France against combined Europe (1674-1678).- Sea battles of Solebay, the Texel, and Stromboli.- 4. English Revolution.- War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697).- Sea battles of Beachy Head and La Hougue.- 5. War of the Spanish succession (1702-1713).- Sea battle of Malaga.- 6. The Regency in France.- Alberoni in Spain.- Policies of Walpole and Fleuri.- War of the polish succession.- English contraband trade in Spanish America.- Great Britain declares war against Spain.- 1715-1739.- 7. War between Great Britain and Spain (1739).- War of the austrian succession (1740).- France joins Spain against Great Britain (1744).- Sea battles of Matthews, Anson and Hawke.- Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle (1748).- 8. Seven Years' war (1756-1763).- England's overwhelming power and conquests on the seas, in North America, Europe and East and West Indies.- Sea battles: Byng off Minorca; Hawke and Conflans, Pocock and D'Äché in East Indies.- 9. Course of events from the Peace of Paris to 1778.- Maritime war consequent upon the American Revolution.- Sea battle off Ushant.- 10. Maritime war in North America and West Indies (1778-1781).- Its influence upon the course of the American Revolution.- Fleet actions off Grenada, Dominica and Chesapeake Bay.- 11. Maritime war in Europe (1779-1782).- 12. Events in the East Indies (1778-1781).- Suffren sails from Brest for India, 1781.- His brilliant naval campaign in the India Seas (1782-1783).- 13. Events in the West Indies after the surrender of Yorktown.- Encounters of De Grasse with Hood.- The sea battle of the Saints.- 1781-1782.- 14. Critical discussion of the maritime war of 1778.-
