U-Boat Ace: The story of Wolfgang Lüth / Jordan Vause by Vause, Jordan, 1956. Edition: Primera.Material type: Text Language: English Summary language: English Publication details: Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, Bluejacket books; 2001Other title: El as de los submarinos:La historia de Wolfgang Lüth.Availability: Items available for loan: ESSU - Escuela de Submarinos Mar del Plata (1)Call number: 623.827 (940.53) VAU.
U.S. Submarine Losses: World War II / The Naval and Military Press. by The Naval and Military Press. Edition: PrimeraMaterial type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Summary language: English Publication details: East Sussex: The Naval and Military Press. Availability: Items available for loan: ESSU - Escuela de Submarinos Mar del Plata (1)Call number: 623.827 (940.53) THE.
Clear the Bridge!: The War Patrols of the U.S.S. Tang / Richard H. O'Kane by O'Kane, Richard H, 1911-1994. Edition: Primera Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Summary language: English Publication details: Nueva York, Estados Unidos de América: Ballantine Books; 1989Availability: Items available for loan: ESSU - Escuela de Submarinos Mar del Plata (1)Call number: 623.827 (940.53) OKA .
Operaciones de los Submarinos de los Estados Unidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial / Theodore Roscoe by Roscoe, Theodore | González de Aledo y Rittwagen, Guillermo [Traducción] | Contralmirante R.G. Voge (USN) [Colaborador] | Capitán de Navío W. J. Holmes (USN) [Colaborador] | Capitán de Fragata W. H. Hazzard (USN) [Colaborador] | Capitán de Corbeta D. S. Graham (USN) [Colaborador] | Teniente de Navío H.J. Kuehn (USN) [Colaborador] | Capitán de Corbeta Fred Freeman (USN) [Dibujos e ilustraciones] | Almirante Chester W. Nimitz [Prólogo]. Edition: PrimeraMaterial type: Text Language: Spanish Summary language: Spanish Publication details: Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institute; 1952Other title: United States Submarine Operations in Worl War II .Availability: Items available for loan: ESSU - Escuela de Submarinos Mar del Plata (1)Call number: 623.827 (940.53) ROS.